Selected Credits


Guest Star, Pandora (SyFy UK / The CW)
Co-Star, Criminal Minds (CBS)
Co-Star, Gen:Lock (HBOMax) 


Accidentally Engaged, Bloody Homecoming, Varsity Blood


Leticia, The Lucky Chance, LAMDA
Phèdre, Phèdre, LAMDA
Francisco / Giovanni, The White Devil, LAMDA
Fedra / The Gentleman, Madness in Valencia, LAMDA
Duchess of York, Margaret of Anjou (Henry VIs & Richard III), LAMDA
Hermia / Demetrius, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, LAMDA
Fenny, Blueprint for Paradise, Hudson Mainstage (Los Angeles)
Evil Stepsister, Cinderella Ballet, El Portal (Los Angeles)